Global Best Practice

We combine Best Practices in Infrastructure Systems Engineering from the Netherlands and Australia with more than 15 years understanding of the local Australian market.

Next Generation Tools

We bring next generation systems engineering tools for the infrastructure sector such as Relatics, DOORS Next Gen, LEVVR etc, and believe in integrating that with the overall information management in your project and organisation.


We believe SE will become a core skill for your company and provide courses in Systems Engineering specific for the Infrastructure sector in partnership with Dutch Boosting Group.

Our Approach


We are straightforward, focusing on practical approaches and solutions, and work hard to avoid surprises.

Working explicitly

We manage one truth to prevent ambiguity, doubt and reduce misinterpretation.

Focus on customer needs

We are responsive to our clients and strive to develop systems that optimally meet your needs.

Systems Thinking

We are always mindful that our developments are part of a bigger picture.

Life cycle approach

We take the entire life cycle into account throughout the development of a system

Selected Projects

Our Memberships

We are actively involved in the Australian engineering community

Permanent Way Institute