
Overmorrow has been collaborating with Dutch Boosting Group since 2021.

One of our most recent initiatives is to bring some of the Dutch lessons learned about infrastructure Systems Engineering to Australia by setting up a joint training programme.

Dutch Boosting Group is a consultancy of over 40 Consultants from The Netherlands specialising in applying a Systems Engineering approach to infrastructure projects.

Dutch Boosting Group

Why Systems Engineering?

Systems Engineering on an integrated ‘First Time Right’ approach with all disciplines, in a structured, explicit, and traceable way, it is a proven concept and common way of working for complex systems in industries worldwide.

With Systems Engineering, all parties involved always have the same UNAMBIGUOUS INFORMATION and therefore the same assumptions. At any given time, a project can show how it meets requirements and stakeholder needs. This transparency reduces failure costs, acceptance issues, lead times, claims and budget overruns.

The upfront investment pays back more than once in the smoother implementation and transfer of the projects. With all stakeholders on board, we can embrace a MORE ADVANCED WAY OF WORKING!

Introduction To Systems Engineering Basics

(E-Learning Of 2 Hours)
  • Learn about the essentials of the SE approach
  • Learn how to use the SE terminology
  • Get an insight into the system life cycle
  • Learn the possibilities for the applications of SE

Get Started With Systems Engineering

(One Day Or 2x Half-Day Webinar)
  • Learn how to apply the iterative SE processes
  • Practice multiple SE methods and techniques
  • Understand the relation between SE and Project management and Contractual provisions

Get To Work With Systems Engineering Techniques

(3 Days Or 8×3 Hours Online)
  • Learn to apply the ‘requirements-design-verification’ loop
  • Learn how to collect and analyse customer needs
  • Learn to apply techniques to analyse and define systems, functions and interfaces
  • Analyse and write SMART requirements
  • Learn how to make the optimal design decisions and offers based on requirements
  • Learn to write good Verification and Validation strategies, plans and reports
  • Get experienced in using SE tools to capture and structure information

Development Program Systems Engineering

(1/2-Year Program, 1 Day/Week, 16x 3-Hr Online Sessions Including Self-Study And Group Assignments)
  • Gain an extensive theoretical understanding of SE
  • Become experienced with model-based SE techniques and tools
  • Learn to prepare and execute a SE Management Plan, based on specific project scope and objectives
  • Understand how to apply the SE Lifecycle in various project phases
  • Learn to apply various technical SE processes;
  • Learn to develop SMART specifications, apply Systems Engineering techniques to support design decisions and apply verification and validation
  • Understand what is required to embed SE in an organisation

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