Randstad 380kV South Ring Transmission line Wateringen-Bleiswijk

TenneT’s Randstad 380kV project consists of the realization of a new 380kV high-voltage connection between Wateringen, Bleiswijk, Vijfhuizen and Beverwijk. The new routes to be built must form a north and south ring together with existing high-voltage connections. BAM was responsible for the design and construction of the South ring between Wateringen and Bleiswijk. 

Our staff was engaged in the delivery of the Randstad 380kV South ring for BAM energy. Initially the systems engineering scope was focussing on interface management. Interfaces were identified and controlled by using a map-based systems architecture. With this approach the planning of the works was optimized and communicated to the community. Other processes facilitated are verification of requirements, management of non-compliances and changes and deliverable management.
